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Mailing Address:

Finnair Plc, PO Box 15, 01053 Finnair, Finland


0~0 358 9 8180800
+358 300 871 160

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How to Complain to Finnair via Its Contact Form, Phone and Social Media

How to Complain to Finnair via Its Contact Form, Phone and Social Media

Joanna Teljeur
Written By Joanna Teljeur
Last Updated: September 20, 2024

If you were one of the 5.5 million passengers Finnair carried in the first half of this year, you probably had a pleasant experience. Or, maybe you weren’t impressed with the service. Is this you? For some passengers, complaining to the airline feels uncomfortable, but rest assured, they receive so much feedback that it’s just part of their operations. 

If you were unhappy with any part of your Finnair flight, you should communicate your concerns, and we’re going to show you how and where to do this. Plus, you’ll get some insights on how to get compensation for your trouble.

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Typical Finnair Passenger Complaints

As a Finnair passenger, you can officially complain about any issue that bothered you. It’s worth noting, though, that some issues are more likely to result in some kind of compensation, including:

  • Lost and damaged baggage: If you have luggage mishandling complaints, you could get as much as €1,599 in reimbursement.
  • Finnair flights compensation: Depending on the length of the delay and distance of your flight, you could receive between €250-€600.
  • Denied boarding: If your Finnair flight has been oversold, and you’re prevented from boarding as a result, you could also get compensation similar to the amounts for delays and cancellations.

Finnair Contact Info: UK, United States, Canada

As with most airlines, Finnair offers a few ways for passengers to reach out. Depending on your circumstances, one method might be more useful than another. For example, if you’re seeking compensation, it’s best to use their dedicated web form. If you need help with rebooking, you can sometimes get faster results via social media or on the carrier’s app.

Finnair Chat

The carrier has a chatbot named Sisu. It can help you with a variety of different issues and is available 24/7.

Finnair Email Address

The airline doesn’t provide a public customer service email. 

Finnair Phone Numbers


Phone Number

Additional information

United Kingdom

0330 8081188

Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–8 p.m., Sat–Sun 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Closed on public holidays.

United States

+1 929 474 6049 New York

+1 323 694 7646 Los Angeles

Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–8 p.m., Sat–Sun 8 a.m.–6 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)


+1 647 946 9431

Mon–Fri 8 a.m.–8 p.m.; Sat–Sun and public holidays 8 a.m.–6 p.m.

The service is in English or French.

Finnair Mailing Address

Finnair Plc, P.O. Box 15, 01053 FINNAIR, FINLAND

Contacting Finnair Customer Service on Social Media 

You can always try to get in touch with the airline by messaging their social media accounts. Some customers report faster response times this way, but understand that this contact method probably isn’t as reliable as others. For compensation and other, more formal complaints, it’s best to use the web form.

You can find Finnair on the following platforms:

  • Twitter / X
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • TikTok

Finnair Complaints Form

Finnair asks passengers to file the request for compensation within (2) months of your delayed or canceled flight. Finnair has a dedicated feedback form for various questions and concerns including:

When you select Feedback and Compensation, you’ll be taken to another window where you can choose from several options seen in the image below.

Finnair contact form

Getting the Results You Want 

Before you contact Finnair, ask yourself what you hope to gain through your complaint. You might simply want to let them know how to improve, but in other cases, you might only be satisfied with some form of compensation.

With this in mind, remember to tell the airline the details of what happened and what you want to fix the issue. Clarity is key here. As such, be sure to include flight numbers, booking details, photos, receipts and other information so your flight can be located.

Finally, include accurate contact information. You might want to send 2 or 3 ways for the airline to reach you. Bottom line, the more information you provide, the better the outcome will be.

How to Complain to Finnair

In case you’re experiencing challenges with your complaint processing due to the following reasons:

  • You don’t know how to start complaining correctly
  • Your complaint got stuck, and there’s no any feedback from Finnair
  • Your complaint’s compensation got refused
  • You need expert advice on whether your case is entitled for compensation

here are 4 simple steps to go forward:

  1. Visit the AirAdvisor homepage
  2. Enter a few basic flight details and click Check Compensation
  3. Give us a few more specifics about your trip
  4. We’ll do the initial review and contact you if more info is needed

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