About the Author
Edoardo is a copywriter and content writer with over 5 years of experience.
A Passion for Flying
Traveling is one of Edoardo's greatest passions. His travels have taken him to all countries in Europe and some countries in North Africa. His desire is to expand these explorations and visit the countries of the Middle East, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas.
Work Experience
Edoardo has been writing and optimizing content in the most diverse niches including finance, cryptocurrencies, international legislation, casino and betting, e-commerce, lifestyle and more.
His experience in multiple industries highlighs Edoardo's ability to learn quickly and implement the information into his writing to keep readers up-to-date and informed.
After obtaining a diploma in humanistic-economic subjects (LES address: Liceo delle Scienze Humane Economic-Social option), Edoardo graduated with honors in Communication and Marketing at the University of Bergamo.
During his studies, wrote for international clients, including eToro. Over the years, he has implemented his knowledge of marketing, psychology, perception, consumer habits and more so as to offer unique and relevant content.
Edoardo has various passions, but his favourite is music, and he is proud to be a musician and composer. He also loves video games, sports, finance, Bitcoin, the sea, travelling, speaking foreign languages, and getting to know new cultures.
He loves life and all the experiences (good or bad) it can teachhim.