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Jet2 Overbooking: Getting Compensation When Denied Boarding Involuntarily

Jet2 Overbooking: Getting Compensation When Denied Boarding Involuntarily
Joanna Teljeur
Written By Joanna Teljeur
Last Updated: January 29, 2025

Seeing your Jet2 flight take off without you isn’t fun to watch. A more frustrating experience is getting turned away by the boarding agent simply because the flight no longer has a seat for you. As unfortunate as that is, we can say that Jet2 overbooking likely occurred, and you were denied boarding.

As of October 2022, Jet2 had a standing order for 98 aircraft to join its fleet. Hopefully, that should reduce overbooking incidents that result in denied boarding.

The carrier achieved an impressive 90.5% load factor in 2022, a record that underscores the demand for its services. While your chances of getting bumped are slim, we are here to ensure you know what to do.

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All you have to do is submit the application and wait for the compensation to be received.

What is Denied Boarding and Why Jet2 Does It

Denied boarding happens when a boarding agent stops you from joining the flight, even with a valid ticket. It can be voluntary, meaning you willingly give up your seat. Otherwise, the boarding agent may deny you boarding without your consent (involuntary).

Overbooking is one reason why you may be denied boarding. This happens when the carrier sells more tickets than the number of seats available on the flight. Of course, it must turn away a few passengers when the seats are all taken.

One way carriers, including Jet2, address ticket overselling is to request volunteers. They will present incentives (tickets or vouchers) to persuade a few passengers to give up their seats. No one will be denied boarding involuntarily if enough volunteers step forward.

Regulations mandate carriers to provide involuntary denied boarding compensation if the cause is overbooking. The overbooked flight compensation should be available immediately at the airport or sent to the affected passengers.

Overbooking is not the only reason for denied boarding. In September 2023, for example, Jet2 denied a group of friends boarding because of a security scare.

Jet2 maintains that it doesn’t oversell its flights. While that may be true, we recommend remaining calm when bumped. The next step you should take is to confirm the flight’s overbooking status. With that confirmation, our experts at AirAdvisor can help with your compensation claims.

We will give you the steps to deal with involuntarily denied boarding. In the meantime, remain calm, and let’s review your passenger rights.


Regulations and Passenger Rights When Jet2 Denies Boarding Involuntarily

Our compensation experts have helped thousands of passengers when they were denied boarding as well as when they encountered a flight cancellation or delay. One thing we can tell you is not to worry because the government has your back when bumped from an overbooked flight.

UK passengers have Regulation (EC) No. 261/2004 for flights from the UK/EU. Those traveling from the US have the backing of the US Department of Transportation. Because of those regulations, you can confidently speak to the airline staff, knowing that the law is on your side when it comes to denied boarding situations caused by overbooking.

You are still eligible for compensation, even if you were bumped months ago. Our experts can easily trace and check your flight once you furnish us with the necessary information.

One crucial right you have is that the carrier owes you an explanation for why it bumped you off the flight. It should also provide a statement to outline your rights. You can request the statement if the Jet2 ground staff doesn’t provide it immediately.

Here’s how your rights apply when volunteering and when denied boarding involuntarily:

Involuntary Denied Boarding

Jet2 owes you monetary compensation if it denies you boarding against your will. However, regulations will only have your back if you meet the following criteria:

  • The carrier could not get a seat for you because the flight was overbooked
  • You complied with Jet2’s check-in requirements

Do note that the boarding gate closes 30 minutes before departure. So, showing up late will make you ineligible for overbooked flight compensation.

Your most important right is to receive an alternative flight under the same flight conditions you originally paid for. This alternative flight comes with monetary compensation, depending on the distance and how long you wait after getting bumped.

Besides the alternative flight, you have the following rights:

  • The right to reimbursement: We’ve had passengers who no longer wished to continue their journey after getting bumped. You can get reimbursed for the flight and refunded for the first leg if the flight was part of a fully paid travel plan with connecting flights.
  • The right to defer the alternative flight: You can take the alternative flight at a later date. However, your expected travel date depends on seat availability. The same applies if Jet2 moves you to an alternative UK airline.

You can always take up the involuntary denied boarding incident with the Civil Aviation Authority if you’re unsatisfied with the compensation. However, we recommend doing all you can to settle with the carrier amicably. Contact our compensation experts at AirAdvisor, and we will see you through.


Voluntary Denied Boarding

This happens when you voluntarily give up your seat on an overbooked flight for compensation. Jet2 will most likely make the offer. Then, you can review it and agree to it if you are not on a tight schedule.

You don’t have to accept an offer that doesn’t suit you. Jet2 may present fixed compensation, but other carriers, like Wizz Air, are often open to negotiating.

Tickets, care packages, and vouchers are typical for volunteers. Ensure you inquire about any restrictions on the ticket, care package, or voucher. An example is the ineligibility to use them during holidays.

Inquire as much as possible about your alternative flight. Get information about the departure time and your new booking ticket. This is important because the flight might be a few hours later than your original flight.

Your Other Rights When Bumped

Jet2 should provide assistance and welfare when it denies you boarding involuntarily. These include:

  • Meals and refreshments commensurate to your waiting time for the alternative flight
  • Two telephone calls, faxes, or emails
  • Accommodation where you must spend a night or two before the alternative flight arrives

Jet2 Overbooking: How Much the Carrier will Pay

The following compensation will apply if you were bumped while flying from the UK/EU:

Flight Distance


Up to 1,500 km


Between 1,500 km and 3,500 km


Above 3,500 km


Jet2 may reduce the compensation by half if the alternative flight meets the following conditions:

  • If the alternative flight arrives within two hours of your original arrival time for journeys within 1,500 km
  • If the alternative flight arrives within three hours of your original arrival time for journeys within 3,500 km
  • If the alternative flight arrives within four hours of your original arrival time for journeys above 3,500 km
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What to Do if Jet2 Oversold its Flight and Denied You Boarding Involuntarily

Our experts recommend the following steps:

  1. Confirm and obtain a statement from Jet2 stating that you were denied boarding because of overbooking.
  2. Gather and make copies of your travel documents. That can be your ticket, baggage tag, reservation, etc.
  3. Gather copies of receipts for additional expenses (meals, refreshments, phone calls, accommodation, etc.) incurred during your waiting hours for the alternative flight.
  4. Speak with our AirAdvisor compensation experts and provide the required documents.

Exceptions: When You Are Ineligible for Compensation

Getting bumped for other reasons besides overbooking will not qualify for compensation. That is why we insist on confirming the reason before proceeding with a compensation claim.

Jet2 Policy

Unruly behavior can get a passenger bumped without compensation. Other scenarios where compensation will not apply to include the following:

  • Situations where a security concern forced Jet2 to use a smaller aircraft with fewer seats
  • You violated the carrier’s boarding policy
  • Acting under the influence of an illegal drug
  • Intoxication and exhibiting violent behavior toward the flight crew and other passengers
  • Jet2 boarded you in a different section or class (you should receive a refund for the price difference).

Expert Advice

Here are our top tips on maximizing your chances for compensation when denied boarding involuntarily:

  • Collect receipts for all expenses if you wait more than two hours for the alternative flight.
  • Speak with a boarding agent immediately for compensation and alternative flight arrangements.
  • Remain calm.
Having a bad day because of a bumped flight?

Jet2 is obliged to assist until you get to your destination.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get reimbursement if I reject Jet2’s accommodation plans after they deny me boarding?

The carrier will not reimburse accommodation and other related expenses if it has a standing arrangement.

How long should I wait for the reimbursement of the flight’s total cost if I no longer wish to fly?

Jet2 promises to reimburse you within seven days. Contact an AirAdvisor compensation expert if that timeline has elapsed.

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