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Sample Complaint Letter to Airline for Refund

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Reviewed by a licensed lawyer Anton Radchenko.
Last Updated: January 24, 2025

Save your time and use our online sample complaint letter to airline for refund tool. 

Just fill in your flight details and start the claiming process now!

We work on a no win no fee basis so there is no risk for you.

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A sample complaint letter to the airline for a refund: when do I need it?

When your flight is delayed or canceled, or when airline fails to fulfill its obligations, you may use sample complaint letter to airline for refund.

The responsibility of any airline is to deliver passengers to the specified destination at the specified time. Moreover, it shall ensure the performance of certain services. 

A complaint template letter against an airline can be used in case it fails to perform its obligations. Here are the situations when you can get a refund:

  1. Canceled flight: airline cancels your flight regardless of the reason.
  2. Flight delay: you have to wait for your flight for more than 5 hours.
  3. The airline denied boarding: you can get a refund only if you have not renounced your seat by yourself.
  4. The airline did not offer food and drinks for a delay longer than 2 hours. As a result, you had to spend money yourself.
  5. The airline did not provide accommodation and transportation services when an overnight stay was required. As a result, you incurred additional costs.
  6. The airline did not provide a return or alternative flight to compensate for cancellation or delay longer than 5 hours. And, you had to purchase either of them on your own.

Travelers may also complain when:

  • the airline employees have exceeded their authority (ex., discourteous behaviour towards the client).
  • They do not receive the required service and quality of service for no apparent or justified reason.

You can use online sample complaint letter to airline tool by AirAdvisor on your computer.

Template letter by AirAdvisor: how can I claim?

Submission of the template letter is one of the first steps on the way to getting your refund. You may use AirAdvisor’s online tool:

If your flight was delayed, canceled or overbooked within the last 3 years, you could be eligible for a refund and up to $700 in compensation. Submit your claim in less than 3 minutes.

It is fully automated. Once you fill in your flight information, we will take charge of the claiming process. 

Our services are entirely free of charge and save lots of your time. Another advantage is that we will also check the eligibility of your case for flight compensation. In most cases, you may get cash of up to $700 on top of the refund, regardless of whether you had denied boarding, delayed or canceled flight.

As an alternative, you can use the template below to ask the airline for a refund. 

This is sample complaint letter to airline for refund put together by AirAdvisor. 

Most airlines usually offer travel vouchers to compensate for flight disruption. Remember that you can get a full ticket refund even if you agreed to a voucher. However, it usually contains a waiver of cash compensation. So, if you think your case also qualifies for compensation, do not accept any vouchers.

Early claims have an 72% higher chance of payout

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