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SAS Lost Baggage Compensation: How to Claim Reimbursement for Damaged & Delayed Bags

SAS Lost Baggage Compensation: How to Claim Reimbursement for Damaged & Delayed Bags

Joanna Teljeur
Written By Joanna Teljeur
Last Updated: January 31, 2025

Claim up to approximately €1,920 for delayed, lost, or damaged baggage!

If you’ve ever experienced lost baggage, then you know how frustrating it can be. Fortunately, as an SAS passenger, your baggage rights are protected which means that if you are entitled to compensation from the airline. In this article, we will describe the steps you need to take in order to get SAS delayed, damaged, and lost baggage compensation.


Thanks to the Montreal Convention update, the maximum compensation for baggage problems increased from €1,600 to €1,920 in October 2024. Your luggage is now worth more!

Key Points

  • You’re entitled to up to approximately €1920 in compensation for SAS lost baggage.
  • The Montreal Convention, an international treaty, governs your air passenger rights when it comes to delayed, damaged, or lost baggage.
  • To successfully claim compensation for SAS lost baggage you must adhere to the reporting timeframes or your claim could be denied.

Understanding Your SAS Lost Baggage Rights 

Have you ever wondered how your air passenger rights are protected? Whether you have a delayed or cancelled flight, or delayed, damaged, or lost baggage, your rights are protected by specific rules and regulations.

For baggage mishandling, your rights are protected by the Montreal Convention, an international treaty signed in 1999 that governs what and how much airlines are liable for. It has very specific rules stating that airlines must provide compensation to passengers up to approximately €1,920 for lost, delayed, or damaged baggage. 

While airlines are required to compensate you for baggage mishandling, it’s important to realise that they won’t simply send you money. In fact, you have to report your baggage problem and file your claim during specific time frames that we’ll walk you through here.

SAS lost baggage

How to Report and Claim Compensation for SAS Delayed, Lost Baggage

Step 1: Make a lost baggage report

  1. Report your lost baggage immediately. It’s best to do this while you’re still at the airport. Just look for the SAS Baggage Desk in the reclaim area. When you find it, the agent will ask you to complete a Property Irregularity Report (PIR). You can also make your lost baggage report online. Remember, you have 7 days to complete this step.
  2. Keep your PIR number. You will need it to track the status of your SAS lost baggage and file a claim later.

Step 2: Purchase essentials

  1. If 24 hours passes and your baggage is still missing, you will probably need to buy clothes, toiletries, and other essentials to hold you over while SAS is locating your baggage especially if you are away from home.  
  2. Make sure you limit your spending to truly essential items.
  3. Keep all your receipts so you can submit them in your SAS lost baggage compensation claim. You can make a compensation claim as soon as your baggage is sent to you.

Step 3: Wait for up to 21 days

  1. At this point, you will have to wait for SAS to locate your baggage. When they do, they will contact you or forward your baggage to the address you entered in your report.
  2. Track the status of your lost baggage.
  3. If your SAS lost baggage hasn’t been returned to you after 21 days, then you can file a compensation claim.

How to File an SAS Lost Baggage Claim

Your baggage will be deemed officially lost when it has been missing for longer than 21 days. Up to this point, SAS will consider your baggage delayed. So, as soon as 21 days passes, you can file your compensation claim with SAS. Remember to submit all your receipts, your flight information/booking number, and the PIR number.

How long does the SAS claims process take

After you submit your claim, the next step is to wait for someone from the airline to contact you about their decision. This can sometimes take as long as a month or more. 

How Much Can I Get for SAS Lost Baggage Compensation 

The rules of the Montreal Convention say that SAS is required to compensate you up to roughly €1,920 for your damaged, delayed, and lost baggage. Remember that even though the airline is required to compensate you, they won’t do so automatically. 

What are the Deadlines for Submitting SAS Damaged, Lost Baggage Compensation Claims

If you’ve made your damaged and lost baggage reports, then be sure to file your claim within the following time frames to avoid having it denied by SAS.

Deadlines for submitting SAS damaged, lost baggage compensation claims

How to Report and Claim Compensation for SAS Damaged Baggage

If you find that your SAS checked baggage is damaged, then take the following step immediately. 

  1. Make a damaged baggage report before you leave the airport. 
  2. If you’ve already left the airport or if you only noticed the damage a few hours later, then you can still make your report on the SAS website. 
  3. Keep your Property Irregularity Report number.
  4. Take photos of the damaged items so you can back up your claim.

If you’re away from home and you need to buy a few essentials because of your damaged belongings, then remember to keep all your receipts so you can submit them as part of your damaged baggage claim.

After you make your report, SAS that you can have your damaged baggage either repaired or replaced. This will depend on whether or not you are a Scandinavian resident. The airline recommends that you register your baggage within 7 days of retrieving it. You can also make a SAS compensation claim.

Documents to include in SAS damaged baggage compensation claim

  1. Property Irregularity Report
  2. Photos of the damaged baggage
  3. Official photo ID
  4. Receipts for essentials and/or receipts from the purchase of your bags
  5. Bag tag

SAS airlines delayed baggage compensation

How Long Does the SAS Compensation Claims Process Take

Airlines can take up to a month or more to make a decision about your damaged or lost baggage. Your best bet is to be patient and follow up with SAS about the status of your claim.

About SAS

Scandinavian Airlines is headquartered in Solna, Sweden. As the flag carrier for Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, SAS has 180 aircraft that serve 109 destinations worldwide.

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Damaged or lost luggage?

Compensation can be as much as £1,620 (€1,920) if your checked bags were mishandled.
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