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Vistara Airlines Delayed or Cancelled Flight compensation and refund

Claim up to €600 for Vistara Airlines cancelled or delayed flights

Booked a flight but faced an unexpected Vistara Airlines cancellation or delay at the airport? Don't worry; let AirAdvisor guide you through Vistara's compensation process with expert insights and assistance at every step. 4.6/5 based on 15,588 reviews

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Last Updated: July 02, 2024

Vistara Airlines Delayed or Cancelled Flight compensation and refund

It's everyone's dreaded travel scenario: you buy a ticket from Vistara Airlines, show up, and discover that your flight is delayed, cancelled, or worse. Or you find that the flight is fine, but you or an immediate family member are denied boarding. What are your rights? Are you due compensation?

You could receive up to €600 from Vistara Airlines. We here at AirAdvisor make claiming compensation easy.

Delayed or canceled flight with Vistara Airlines Airlines? Find out if you're owed up to €600 in compensationCheck Now for Free

If you've had a cancelled or delayed flight and are looking for information about a refund or Vistara Airlines flight compensation, we are here to help. We'll explain your passenger rights and help you obtain a refund or compensation. Submit a complaint to Vistara Airlines and receive as much as €600 per passenger. Use our free Compensation Calculator to find out much you are owed and to start your Vistara Airlines claim. You don't need to be an expert on Vistara Airlines refund policy or cancellation policy to receive your money back.

What Are My Passenger Rights in Case my Vistara Airlines Flight Was Cancelled or Delayed?

According to EU law your rights include:

  • up to €600 compensation which is not reliant on ticket price
  • Includes disrupted Vistara Airlines flights up to 3 years old
  • Covers flights that were delayed at least 3 hours, cancelled, or overbooked


What Should I Do in Case of Cancellations or a Vistara Airlines Delayed Flight?

  • Confirm the reason for the delay or cancellation.
  • Collect proof: photos, receipts of expenses, Vistara Airlines booking number, vouchers, etc.
  • Insist on your basic benefits and services at the airport.
  • Check your eligibility for compensation with our free online compensation calculator.


Vistara Airlines Flight Compensation Claims

As a passenger, you may be entitled to compensation if the following have occurred:

  • Flight delay: If your flight arrived 3+ hours late at your final destination.
  • Vistara Airlines Cancel Flight: if Vistara Airlines cancelled your flight and informed you less than 14 days before departure.
  • Overbooking: If you have been denied boarding due to overbooking.
  • Missed connecting flight: If you missed a connecting flight due to a delay in one of the legs and you arrived at your destination 3+ hours late.


Vistara Airlines Flight Cancellations: When are they Liable?

When Vistara Airlines can escape liability: Vistara Airlines claims if a flight was cancelled due to events outside of its control; for example bad weather, or issues at the airport. Such events are typically called extraordinary circumstances and in such cases, you are not entitled to a Vistara Airlines missed flight refund.

All airlines will generally try to book you on the next available flight at no additional charge, in the case of cancelled flights. You may agree to the proposed flight or request another replacement flight, or demand reimbursement if you are not happy with any of the options proposed.

Note: If your rebooked scheduled departure arrives at a similar time to your original departure time, you're not entitled compensation. The law is fair and allows airlines not to pay compensation if you can reach your destination with minimum inconvenience. In most cases, passengers who have a cancelled flight will have valid claims for a Vistara Airlines flight compensation.

An airport employees’ strike is beyond anyone's control. Learn more about cancellation compensation.

When Vistara Airlines cannot escape liability: When Vistara Airlines cancel flights, EU 261 Regulation on air passenger rights are clear: You must be put on an alternative flight or provided with a full flight refund.

Also, if you were notified about the flight cancellation less than 14 days before your date of departure, you may be able to receive up to €600 per person in compensation. Additionally, you may receive Vistara Airlines flight delay compensation if you arrived 3+ hours later than the scheduled arrival time of your initial flight.

Figuring out how much you are owed for a disrupted flight can be complicated. We're here to help. Let us assess your compensation for you.Check Your Flight

Vistara Airlines Flight Refund policy

A flight compensation and a refund are two different things. Regulations allow you to receive both: a cancellation refund and compensation.

In case of a cancellation, an airline will try to re-book you on the similar flight, but if that becomes impossible, a cancellation refund will be a full cash refund. Generally, your claim would succeed, providing there were no extraordinary circumstances beyond airline control.

If Vistara Airlines cancels your flight to extraordinary circumstances (such as Covid travel restrictions or a serious illness) and you were offered no replacement flight, you can obtain a ticket refund in full, since your flights booked were not available.

Types of ticket refunds: A full refund must be in cash or credit. Vouchers are allowed only if you specifically agree to it. We do not recommend accepting vouchers due to short expiry dates and potential restrictions on redemption.

Note: If Vistara Airlines offers a replacement flight with approximately the same arrival time and you decide not to take it, there is a possibility of you losing the right to get both compensation and a ticket refund. 

Rule of thumb: you can generally reject alternative flights and receive a refund in full, if a new replacement flight arrives 3+ hours later from your initial scheduled arrival time.

Vistara Airlines Refund problems? Let our team help you.

Disrupted flight? You might have a right to compensation - up to €600Check Your Flight


Vistara Airlines Flight Delay Compensation

While all airlines attempt to operate on time, sometimes delays happen. EU regulation 261 (EU 261) protects passengers in cases of flight delays.

According to EC 261, if your flight arrives later than 3 hours at your final destination, you may be eligible to file a Vistara Airlines delayed flight compensation claim form to receive up to €600 as a flight refund.

Exclusions: Vistara Airlines delayed flight compensation will not be enforceable in case of extraordinary circumstances. If the flight departure time is delayed because of bad weather or any airport related disruption, that is considered an extraordinary circumstance. Technical problems, airline staff strike, or operational problems are not valid reasons for rejected compensation claims.

Tip: accepting vouchers or signing release paperwork will result in losing the right to compensation. 

Learn more about passenger rights to Vistara Airlines delay compensation and how to demand Vistara Airlines claim compensation.


What is the Time Limit for Compensation Claims?

You have up to six years to contact Vistara Airlines and collect your compensation and ticket refunds.

How to Claim Compensation for a delayed flight Vistara Airlines?

We advise you to use our free flight delay compensation calculator for further information. It takes only a couple of minutes to input basic information about your flight. Our calculator will inform you if you are eligible for compensation and exactly how much.

EU 261 Compensation Claim: How Much Can You Get?

Distance Compensation: All flights under 1,500 km Up to €250 per person

Vistara Airlines Internal flights over 1,500 km Up to €400 per person

Non-internal EU flights between 1,500 - 3,500 km Up to €400 per person

Vistara Airlines international flights over 3,500 km Up to €600 per person

Table shows values in € as specified in EC 261. To get calculate how much compensation is owed to you, please use our free compensation check.

Claim your compensation with AirAdvisor and get up to €600. Find out how much you’re owed today.

If your flight was delayed, canceled or overbooked within the last 3 years, you could be eligible for up to €600 in compensationCheck Your Flight

Common questions: Compensation Claims and Refunds

What to do when your Vistara Airlines flight is cancelled?

Confirm the reason for a flight cancellation with the airline ticket desk. Also, collect receipts for any additional expenses for reimbursement later. Ask the airline to provide food and refreshments for a delay of 3 hours or more. If your replacement flight is departing the next day, the airline must provide hotel accommodation and transportation. Finally, use our free online compensation calculator to check if you are eligible for compensation and submit a Vistara Airlines refund for cancellation.

What if I cancel my Vistara Airlines flight? Can I get a refund?

If Vistara Airlines cancels the flight, they must refund the price of ticket to passengers. But if you decide to voluntarily cancel your scheduled flight, you are not entitled to a refund. Vistara Airlines cancellation policy is restrictive, unless you have a flexible fare, which allows you to reschedule your flight to a later date with minimal cost.

Note: regardless of ticket type, passengers have the right to request a refund amount for airport taxes and fees as part of a cancellation refund.

Do I also get my money back for the Vistara Airlines cancelled a flight due to Covid-19?

If Vistara Airlines cancelled a flight due to Covid-19, passengers are entitled to a reimbursement as part of flight cancellation rights. If Vistara Airlines attempts to reimburse your cancelled flight with a voucher, we do not recommend taking it. Instead, apply for a refund. If your refund claim is rejected, AirAdvisor can help enforce your claim through our external lawyers.

Can I Get a Vistara Airlines Refund?

Unless you have booked a flexible, refundable fare, it is likely that if you decide to cancel your flight yourself, no reimbursement will be given. However, if there are circumstances outside of your power that results in Vistara Airlines cancelling your flight, then you ought to receive a full refund as compensation.

How many hours for flight delay to be eligible for Vistara Airlines compensation?

If your Vistara Airlines flight is delayed for 3 hours or more at destination, you may be entitled to compensation of up to 600 EUR. Amount of compensation depends on factors such as the duration of delay and flight distance. Check your flight's eligibility for compensation using AirAdvisor website.

How long does it take to get Vistara Airlines flight delay compensation?

It is common for Vistara Airlines to take 2-3 months to process compensation claims. You may notice Vistara Airlines being unresponsive, sometimes this may happen as airline may try delay or neglect such requests because airlines know that approx. 80% of passengers cannot handle such legal process without a lawyer. AirAdvisor can help collect your claim as we have more than 5 years of experience and legal partners to do that.

How to claim Flight Delay Compensation with Vistara Airlines?

Make your claim for delay or cancellation compensation with AirAdvisor today! Our team has helped tens of thousands of clients before and we will help you get the money that is owed to you. We know how to maximize the chances of a successful process, so let us do the work for you.

How much compensation for Vistara Airlines delayed flight can you get?

Passengers may be eligible for compensation up to €250 (£205) per person on flights under 1,500 km. When it comes to EU flights of over 1,500 km in distance and international EU flights between 1,500 km - 3, 500km long there is a maximum compensation rate of €400 (£330). On the longest international trips (more than 3,500 km), passengers are compensated a maximum amount of €600 (£520) each.

How Much Time Do I Have to Make My Claim againt Vistara Airlines?

The deadline for filing a compensation claim can vary depending on laws of country of initial departure or final destination. But as a rule of thumb, travelers have a period of up to three years from their flight date to take an action, however some countries have shorter period (example 1 or 2 years to submit a claim). AIrAdvisor website will help you check if your Vistara Airlines claim is within the time limit to file or not, ensuring that you don't miss out on any potential compensation.

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Recent Comments

Sanidhya from United Kingdom (Vistara UK 16 Flight delay)
August 15, 2023, 2:54 pm

We were delayed by 14+ hours and were told it was a weather conditions bt all the other flights were flying on that day so it couldn't have been a weather condition. we were also given compensation forms saying 520 pounds will be given to all the customers.

Janki from United Kingdom (Vistara UK 979 Missed connection)
January 18, 2023, 11:28 am

Hi, Flight was delayed from london to delhi by over an hour and half. This meant i missed my connecting flight from Delhi to Ahmedabad and had to wait for over 5 hours to take the next flight to Ahmedabad. The delayed timing is as below: London flight took off just before 11pm instead of 09.05, we were given no food or drinks while waiting, no instructions given as to why flight was delayed or when it was to arrive. Flight got to delhi at or around 12.45pm instead of 10.40 in the morning and my connecting flight to AMD was for 1.25pm for which I was informed at Heathrow that i will need to clear immigration and collect my bags and check in again(even though i was already given boarding pass for Delhi-Amdt at Heathrow). Due to not enough time the connecting flight was missed to ahmedabad. They put some passengers in Air India flight that was departing at 2pm but they did not put me and 3 other passengers even though i was 18 weeks pregnant and had really bad leg pain after a long flight. My flight to AMD was booked for 6pm which is over 5 hrs delay. I finally arrived at Ahmedabad around 7.45pm in the evening instead of 3pm. I specifically chose the less hold flight due to my health condition of being pregnant and not having to wait longer. All in all it took a really bad toll on my health where i had to go hospital and get myself checked to make sure my blood levels were okay as i started feeling dizzy due to long flight. I was travelling for my cousin's wedding and because of the delay in flight i missed the entire afternoon ceremony which was very distressing. I was also remote working and this meant i lost half a day's work and my salary due to not being able to log in.

Vishnu Manohar from United Kingdom (Vistara UK 1 Missed connection)
March 31, 2022, 11:41 am

I had a booking in vistara with id XXXX vistara flight from Kochi to Delhi to London and london to Manchester and thr flight from Delhi to London delayed and i missed the flight from LHR to Manchester even my luggage they didnt transfer , now i am waiting in the Hethrow airport for getting a taxi this is very much difficult for me my child os only 4 years old and i am sitting in heatrow airport for taxi most of taxi drivers are asking 700 to 800 Pound so kindly take necessary steps to get my ticket refund and compensation process , as early as possible .

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