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Atlanta to Paris Flight Time and Distance

Average flight time is
8 hours 25 minutes
United States (USA)
Atlanta to Paris Flight Time and Distance
Alex Manea
Written By Alex Manea
Last Updated: April 19, 2024

Atlanta to Paris is one of many direct flights that connect the US to France. Non-stop flights from Atlanta to Paris are currently operated by 2 airlines, and the average flight time is 8 hours and 25 minutes. Keep reading to find out what is the shortest flight time, what's the distance the airplanes cover in this time, how to find cheap flights, and what airlines fly nonstop.

Atlanta to Paris Flight Time by Airline

The 2 airlines operating the Atlanta to Paris route with nonstop flights are Delta Air Lines and Air France.

Both Delta and Air France flights have different durations depending on the day of the week and time of departure. The fastest flights from Atlanta flown by both airlines are 8 hours and 15 minutes long. The longest flight time for both is 8 hours and 45 minutes.

The return flight, however, takes longer. The Paris to Atlanta flight time is 9 hours and 45 minutes.

Flight Distance

During the 8 hours and 15 minutes of flight, the airplanes cover a distance of 4,372.85 mi (7,037.43 km). This is the distance calculated for the flight path from the departure airport to the arrival one in Paris.

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Departure and Arrival Airports

There is only one departure and one arrival airport for the Atlanta to Paris non-stop flight, even though both cities have multiple airports. All flights depart from Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport and arrive at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris.

Besides Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL), the other airport in the capital of US state Georgia is DeKalb–Peachtree Airport. The capital of France, on the other hand, has 2 additional airports: Paris Orly Airport and Beauvais.

Paris, France

Daily Flights and Departure Times

If you're wondering how many flights are operated each day by both airlines the answer is five, 3 by Delta Air Lines and 2 by Air France.

The earliest flight from Atlanta leaves at 3.55 PM and arrives at the Paris Airport the next morning at 6.10 AM, according to Google Flights.

The last flight departs Atlanta ATL at 10.00 PM and arrives at Paris CDG at 12.35 PM.

Ticket Prices and How to Find Cheap Flights

The most expensive ticket for this route is $1,742 (€1,582) while the cheapest one is $742 (€673).

Ticket prices for an ATL to CGD flight vary depending on how far in advance you book the flight and the day of the week.

Some of the factors that influence ticket prices are:

  • day and month of the flight
  • popularity of the destination
  • how far in advance you purchase the ticket

Can I Get Compensation for a Cancelled or Delayed Atlanta to Paris Flight?

If you are flying from Atlanta to Paris you can get compensation only one one condition, if you fly with an European Airline - in this case, Air France.

When flying with Air France, no matter your departure and destination, you are protected under the EU 261 law. This law contains all of your passenger rights in case of flight disruption. Moreover, EC 261 Regulation also states that you can claim compensation up to $650 (€600).

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How to Claim Compensation

We created separate guides for how to claim compensation for each airline on this route:

Additional information other travellers found helpful


How long is the flight from Atlanta to Paris?

The non stop flight from Atlanta to Paris takes around 8 hours and 20 minutes. The shortest one is 8 hours and 15 minutes.

What is Atlanta to Paris Flight Distance?

The distance airplanes fly between Atlanta and Paris is 4,372.85 mi (7,037.43 km)

What time does the earliest flight from Atlanta to Paris depart?

The earliest flight departs 3.55 PM. The latest flight departs around 10:00 PM and arrives in Paris around noon the next day.

What is the time difference between Atlanta and Paris?

Atlanta is 6 hours behind Paris. For example, when it's 10.00 AM in Atlanta the time in Paris is 4.00 PM.

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