What Not to Pack: TSA Carry-on Bag Restrictions for 2025
2025 will be the 24th year that the TSA has been placing restrictions on what is and isn’t allowed in carry-on bags. By now, you’d think all passengers would have a solid understanding about carry-on rules, but surprisingly, this isn’t the case at all.
Business Insider reported that in the first 9 months of 2024, more than 5,000 firearms were found at TSA checkpoints! Meanwhile, liquids and gels continue to be the most frequently flagged items. In this guide, we’re going to help you understand exactly what you cannot bring with you aboard a flight and how to make better decisions when packing your carry-on baggage.
TSA Guidelines for Carry-on Baggage
The basic rules about cabin baggage are the same in 2025. Liquids must be in 3.4 ounce or (100ml) containers and must fit into a quart-sized bag. Also, sharp objects, weapons, and dangerous materials are still prohibited in carry-on bags.
Basically, if it could potentially cause harm, you cannot take it with you in your hand baggage. Also, if it is not solid, you might need to consider whether you should pack it in your checked bags.
About Restricted Items
Some gels, liquids, or sharp objects are prohibited from cabin baggage, while others are prohibited altogether. That is - you can’t pack them in your checked suitcase either.
To be absolutely certain about the rules, you should always download the MyTSA app. The “What Can I Bring Feature” is especially easy to use, but if you don’t want to search, just take a photo of the item in question and send it to @AskTSA on X (Twitter) or Facebook Messenger. You can also ask the TSA questions by texting TRAVEL to AskTSA (275-872).
What you Cannot Bring in Carry-On Baggage
TSA will not allow you through the checkpoint with any of the following items in your cabin baggage. However, you are allowed to bring these things in your checked bags.
Aerosol Insecticide Ammunition Axes and Hatchets Baseball Bats Battery powered wheelchairs and mobility devices BB Guns Black jacks Bowling Pins Bows and Arrows Box cutters Brass Knuckles Canoe or Kayak paddles Cap Guns Cast Iron Cookware Cattle Prod Compressed AIr Guns Corkscrew Cricket bat Crowbar Darts Drills and drill bits Engine-powered Equipment Completely Purged of Fuel | Engines and Engine-powered Equipment Completely Purged of Fuel Firearms Foam toy swords Gel Candles Golf Clubs Hammer Gel Heating Pad Hiking poles Hockey sticks Ice pick Kirpans Knives Kunatons Lacrosse Sticks Magic 8 Ball (Yes, this is the fortune telling toy) Mallets Martial Arts Weapons Medical-Clinical Thermometer (Mercury) Night Sticks Parts of guns and firearms | Pellet gun Permeation devices for calibrating air quality Pocket knife Pool cue Power tools Rainbow flame crystals Razor blades Safety razor with blade Saws Self-Defense Sprays Snow spikes Ski Poles Sling Shots Snow Cleats Spear guns Stun Guns/Shocking Devices Tactical pens Tent Spikes Walking sticks (unless medically necessary) |
Prohibited Items: What You Cannot Pack in Cabin or Checked Bags
There are some things that you can’t take with you in your cabin OR checked luggage. TSA will not allow any of the following items anywhere on the plane during a flight.
Alcoholic beverages over 140 proof Bang Snaps Bear Bangers Bear Spray Blasting caps To be permitted (in either carry-on or checked baggage), it must be clearly visible to the TSA officer that the cylinder is empty. Cooking Spray Dynamite Engine-powered Equipment with Residual Fuel English Christmas Crackers Fertilizer Fire Extinguishers and Other Compressed Gas Cylinders Firecrackers and fireworks Flammable Liquid, Gel, or Aerosol Paint Flare Guns and flares Fuel Gas torch Gun Powder | Butane Chlorine for pools CO2 Cartridge: You can only carry an EMPTY compressed gas cylinder onboard a plane unless it is a personal medical oxygen cylinder. Lighters (gun and torch) Matches Propane Toys or replicas of guns, explosives, incendiaries Recreational Oxygen Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Small Compressed Gas Cartridges Sparklers Spillable Batteries Spray paint Spray starch Tear gas Turpentine and Paint thinner Vehicle airbags |
Your Options if TSA Flags Items in Your Cabin Baggage
If you go through a security checkpoint and something in your carry-on luggage is flagged, then TSA will either confiscate it or give you a chance to put it somewhere safe like your car, if you happen to be parked at the airport.
If storing it in your vehicle isn’t an option, you can also try to put the item in a locker or storage facility at the airport. Unfortunately, you might only find this at larger airports. Another possibility is to leave the security checkpoint, and ship the item to your final destination or to your home.
If you arrived at the airport early enough, you might try to check your carry-on bag and then go back through the checkpoint.
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8 Tips to Avoid Getting Flagged by TSA
If you’ve ever had TSA agents pull something from your cabin baggage, you know the stress and frustration it can cause. So, here are a few tips to help keep this from happening.
- Download the MyTSA app so you can refer to is while packing
- Check the contents of your everyday handbag to make sure there aren’t restricted items that you just forgot about.
- Remember that in the United States, the 3-1-1 rule for liquids is still part of the current TSA rules. In case you forgot, make sure all your liquids and gels are in 3.4 ounce containers or smaller.
- If you are traveling with medications, get a doctor's note to explain why you must take them. It’s good to keep this on-hand just in case you get flagged.
- Don’t overpack. This can cause problems with the X-ray screening process and might lead to your bag being searched.
- Check all your electronic devices that have batteries to make sure they are allowed in cabin bags.
- All food items must follow liquids and gels rule
- If you’re traveling with a baby or small children, remember to declare any items related to feeding like baby food or breast milk.
People Also Read
- Here is What You CAN bring on a Plane
- Should You Check your Bags or Use Carry-On Luggage Instead?
- Foods You Can Bring Through Airport Security
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