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Mailing Address:

Wizz Air UK Ltd.
Percival House 134 Percival Way, London Luton Airport Roundabout,
Luton, United Kingdom LU2 9NU


0044 330 977 044 4

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Wizz Air Complaints: How to Contact via Form, Email, or Phone

Wizz Air Complaints: How to Contact via Form, Email, or Phone

Joanna Teljeur
Written By Joanna Teljeur
Last Updated: August 30, 2024

In July 2023, the BBC reported that the Civil Aviation Authority instructed Wizz Air to review 25,000 complaints for flight disruptions. Apparently, the airline had not paid passengers what they were owed for delays, cancellations, and other flight disruptions. In the end, 6,000 complaints resulted in added payments to comply with UK and EU regulations.

Have you had an issue with Wizz Air? It’s not always easy to find out how and where to lodge a complaint. So, in this guide we’re going to provide you with all the information you need to file one and submit a claim successfully so you get the compensation you’re owed.

Wizz Air people boarding

What Can You Make a Complaint About

As a Wizz Air passenger, you have the right to complain about any number of things that happened during your flight, but only some of these issues will be eligible for airline compensation.

Your passenger rights are described in the rules of European Regulations EU 261, which say that you can file a formal complaint with the airline about any of the following concerns, all of which could lead to cash compensation.

Wizz Delay Complaints

How to Make a Complaint to Wizz Air

For the best results, always submit airline complaints in writing. Written complaints are more effective because you can track exactly what is said both by you and Wizz Air. Also, if you have to escalate your complaint, it will be easier to provide proof of your conversations with a written statement.

  1. First, make sure you provide all the information needed to identify you as a passenger and the number of the flight you’re complaining about.
  2. Next, explain in detail the problem you encountered. If possible, also try to provide some proof like a photo or testimony from another passenger or Wizz Air agent.
  3. Lastly, use a language that shows you know precisely what your rights are. Use phrases like “according to my EU passenger rights” or “EU 261 law states that”.

a person filling a Wizz Air complaint form on laptop

Contact Information for Wizz Air Complaints

Now that you know how to submit a complaint, it’s time to see how you can reach Wizz Air customer service.

Disrupted flight? You might have a right to compensation - up to 600 €Check Your Flight

Wizz Air Phone Number

The Wizz Air contact number is: 09 057 070 000 (UK).


Keep in mind that this is not a toll free number.

Avoid calling the airline to submit complaints or claims. Instead, you use it only to get information that you can’t find on the website.

Wizz Air Live Chat

Amelia is the chat bot available on the airline’s site. You can ask questions and/or use it to reach a Wizz Air agent.

Wizz Air Chat


Wizz Air Webform

As mentioned, the best way to file a formal complaint is to do so in writing, and Wizz Air’s webform offers an easy way to do this.

  1. First you will have to login to your Wizz Air account.
  2. Then, enter your informations in the fields provided
  3. Choose the category of the complaint
  4. Then follow the prompts until complete 

Remember to add any supporting documents to support your claim.

Wizz Air Complaint Form

Wizz Air Email

Unfortunately, the airline doesn’t provide an email address for customer service. You’ll have to write to them using their webform as mentioned above.

Wizz Air Complaint Response Time

According to EU law, the Wizz Air complaint response time is 30 days. 

Need Help with Your Wizz Air Complaint?

In many cases, airlines will wait until the very last minute to respond to your complaint. Sometimes this happens during peak travel seasons simply because the passenger volume is higher which naturally means more complaints. Other times, airlines will bank on the fact that passengers don’t know their rights or the nuances of filing a compensation claim and reject the complaint as a result.

Whether you’re thinking of complaining or wanting to escalate a case you’ve already submitted, AirAdvisor can help!Check Your Flight

Why Trust AirAdvisor

Our team of legal professionals will take care of your claim so you don’t have to! Airlines can be frustrating to deal with and that’s why our team of legal professionals are here to help!

We’ve been defending air passenger rights since 2017, and so far, we have helped 400,000 get the compensation they deserve for delays, cancellations, and denied boarding caused by overbooking.

What’s more, we have a 98% win rate, and best of all, we don’t get paid unless you do!

So, take the worry and stress out of the Wizz Air complaint process and get started with AirAdvisor today.

Not sure if you’re owed anything from the airline? No problem! Enter your flight information into our FREE compensation calculator below, and see how much you could claim instantly! Check Your Flight

People Also Ask

How do I make a complaint to Wizz Air?

You can make a Wizz Air complaint via form, email, live chat, Twitter or phone. This article has all the information you need.

How do I contact Wizz Air directly?

You can contact them via phone or live chat. You can find all the contact details you need in the article above.

How long do Wizz Air take to respond to complaints?

According to their website, they reply to email in 3 to 5 business days. However, the maximum response time according to the law is one month.

Is it worth complaining to Wizz Air?

Yes. I’ve you’ve experienced a flight disruption you could be eligible to receive compensation up to 600 euros. Just use our compensation calculator to see if you qualify.

Does Wizz Air have a live chat?

Yes. Wizz Air live chat is available on their website and mobile app. It is available 24/7, but to speak to a real agent you have to contact them in the following intervals.

Why is Wizz Air refund taking so long?

It takes so long because the maximum reply time according to the EU legislation is 30 days.

How much does Wizz Air charge for special assistance?

It depends on the service. To see the complete price list you should check the Wizz Air website or mobile app.

Can you sue Wizz Air?

Yes, you can sue Wizz Air. But, if you want to sue them for delayed or cancelled flight compensation you shouldn’t do it yourself. The AirAdvisor team of lawyers has a lot of experience in dealing with such cases. Plus, you don’t have to pay anything if we can’t get you the compensation you are owed.

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Had Issues with Wizz Air Flight?

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Edyta Szyjka

No reason given

Feb 10, 2025
I had another £60 spending at the airport for food and drink as from airlines we only had croissant and water
Ernest Vandenbulcke

No reason given

Feb 3, 2025
The airline told me the delay was due to elements outside of their control. I then asked them proof, but they refused, told me they considered the case closed, and refered me to National Contact Points in case I was not satisfied with their response. Also, my son Ernest (16 years old at the time) was the passenger, but I (Luc Vandenbulcke, his father) bought the ticket for him. I don't know who should make the claim (my son or myself).
Stefanie De Regel

Problems at airport

Feb 2, 2025
Wizz Air flight W95771 from London Gatwick to Istanbul International Airport was scheduled to depart at 06:35 but faced significant delays. After boarding, passengers waited on the plane for nearly 2.5 hours before being sent back to the gate by bus. At that point we had no understanding whether we were getting transferred to another vehicle, whether we would get on the next flight scheduled that day or we would have to return another day. A replacement flight was eventually provided at 12:00, but before takeoff, the crew announced they were "hoping" everything was working this time. The flight finally departed, severely disrupting my plans and causing me to miss my connecting flight—despite having a 5-hour layover. As a result, I had to rebook my ticket at an additional cost of 130 Euros.
Natalia Hakenberg-Zilberman

No reason given

Feb 1, 2025
When booking the flight, my account was still on my maiden name (Natalia Hakenberg). I booked the flight for the changed name due to getting married (Natalia Hakenberg-Zilberman), and in September after receiving updated documents I changed the name in the Wizzair account from Hakenberg to Hakenberg-Zilberman.
Andras Bognar

No reason given

Feb 1, 2025
Instead of 9am we arrived at Eindhoven 9pm! This is because the airplane landed on a Germany airport, and they sent ONLY ONE bus to that airport, everyone loadet theis suitcase in the bus storage, but after that we needet to took it out, becouse not enough space in the bus for all the passangers! After that we waited about 2 hours in freezing cknditions but no other busses are arrived! Then we taken a public transport, but it's a long journey to Eindhoven airport, about 4 hours... This whole day was ruined... It would have been different if they send more buses, only one more but they didn't!!!
Luana Bratu

No reason given

Jan 29, 2025
The landing was done in a hurry, not per usual process which caused headaches to myself, my brother and many other passengers. We feel that the cabin crew/pilot team was pushed by the company to ensure they do not land more than 3 hours later compared to the scheduled landing time, which was really not ok.

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