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Paris to New York Flight Time and Distance

Average flight time is
8 hours 20 minutes
New York
United States (USA)
Paris to New York Flight Time and Distance
Alex Manea
Written By Alex Manea
Last Updated: April 19, 2024

The Paris to New York route is one of the busiest connecting Europe to the United States, with 8 airlines operating non-stop flights. The shortest Paris to New York flight time is 8 hours and 15 minutes.

Keep reading to find out other important information about this route, from operating airlines to flight distance and how to get compensation in case of flight disruptions.

Paris to New York Flight Time by Airline

The Paris to New York route is operated by 8 airlines that offer non-stop flights. This list includes low-cost carriers and a boutique airline.

In the list below you can see all the airlines that operate this route and their flight times:

  • Air France – 8 hours and 25 minutes
  • JetBlue – 8 hours and 34 minutes
  • United Airlines – 8 hours and 50 minutes
  • American Airlines - 8 hours and 45 minutes
  • Delta Air Lines - 7 hours and 30 minutes
  • Norse Atlantic Airways - 8 hours and 55 minutes
  • French bee – 8 hours and 20 minutes
  • La Compagnie - 8 hours and 30 minutes

The return flight, Paris to New York, is more than an hour shorter. The average Paris to New York flight time is around 7 hours and 10 minutes.

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Flight Distance

The flight distance between Paris and New Your varies based on the airports used for departure and arrival. The shortest Paris to New York flight distance, however, is 3,626.98 mi (5,837.07 km).

New York, USA

Departure and Arrival Airports

The Paris to New York Route has 2 departing and 2 arrival airports. Flights leaving the capital of France take off from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) and Paris-Orly Airport (ORY). The 2 destination airports are John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York and Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR).

Daily Flights and Departure Times

The number of daily flights from Paris to New York varies between 14 and 15.

On average, the earliest flight takes off from Paris at 8:30 AM and lands in New York at 10:40 AM the same day.

The last flight from Paris leaves around 8:00 PM and arrives in New York at 10:40 PM local time.

Ticket Prices and How to Find Cheap Flights

Ticket prices have a wide range, depending on the airline and time until flight. The cheapest tickets you can find are €231 ($255) while the most expensive ones can reach €2,661 ($2,937).

If you are looking for the cheapest possible tickets, read our guide on how to find them. We explain what are the cheapest days of the week to fly and how far in advance you book the flight.

Can I Get Compensation for a Cancelled or Delayed Paris to New York Flight?

If your flight leaving Paris suffers from a delay or is even cancelled, you could be eligible for compensation. This right, along with a few others, are stipulated in the EC 261 of 2004, a law dedicated to air passenger rights.

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How to Claim Compensation

Below you will find our in-depth guides on how to claim compensation from all the airlines operating this flight:

Additional information other travellers found helpful


How long is the flight from Paris to New York?

The shortest Paris to New York flight is 8 hours and 15 minutes long. The longest, on the other hand, is 8 hours and 30 minutes.

What is Paris to New York Flight Distance?

All flights leaving from Paris cover a distance of 3,626.98 mi (5,837.07 km) before arriving in New York.

What time does the earliest flight from Paris to New York depart?

The earliest flight from Paris to New York takes off at 8.30 AM, while the last one departs for New York at 8.00 PM.

What is the time difference between New York and Paris?

The time difference between Paris and New Your is 6 hours. The capital of France is 6 hours ahead of New York.


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